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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Arresting Greying of Hair

Greying of hair is generally considered as a sign of old age. Normally, it starts at the age of 35. However, at times, even at a young age, people may start greying. This is considered as morbidity. Ayurveda calls it palitya.

Greying of hair (Palitya)

Each hair has a root, a stem or a shaft and sprouts from the skin of the scalp. The stem is varies greatly in thickness, with normal straight hair being rounded and curly hair having an oval or flattened section. The different colour of the hair is caused by pigment (pigment) scattered in varying amounts throughout the hair.

In the aging process the hair bulb produces less hair pigment. The absence of pigment in the cortical layer of the hair makes the hair clear (or grey).

Causes and symptoms of palitya

According to Ayurveda excessive passion, anger and psychic strain results in greying of hair. Persons with paittika type of constitution are prone to be affected by this ailment. Persons suffering from chronic cold and sinusitis and those who use warm water for washing their hair are more likely to be victims of this condition.

Can greying of hair be arrested?

Dr. Deodatta S Bhadlikar, Principal and Associate Professor of YMT Ayurvedic Medical College, India in his research "Anubhut Chikitsa", found results extremely encouraging. The study showed that 90 percent resulted in colour changing effect and 70 per cent showed arresting of grey hair. Also the new grey hair was arrested.

Medicines & prescriptions

There are many medicines prescribed in Ayurveda that are said to arrest premature greying of hair. We give below a few of them:

  • Take one-teaspoonful of Amrita (giloya), amla and gokhroo mixed in equal parts to which honey is added thrice a day.

  • Ground into powder two parts of Bhringaraja, one part of back sesame seeds, and one part of amla. Take a teaspoonful of the powder with milk and sugar. This however has to be continued for some months before the effects are visible.

  • To have faster results, Swarnamakshika Bhasma may be added in 240 mg doses with the powders

  • Use Bhringaraja Taila (Hair Oil) regularly.

  • Eladi Taila can also be used for massaging the head.

  • Ground into paste equal quantities of old mandur, amla, and japa (Hibiscus rosa sineusis) flowers and apply it on the head. After the paste dries, wash hair with water in which amla his been soaked overnight.

  • Ground together into fine powder Amla-2 parts, harada-2 parts, bahera-1 part, stone of mango-5 parts, and old mandur-2 1/2 part. Make a paste of a teaspoon of this powder with water in which amla has been soaked overnight. Keep this overnight in an iron vessel and apply it to the hair in the morning. After it dries, apply oil to the hair and then wash thoroughly.

Diet and other regimen

The role of proper diet in preventing and arresting premature greying of hair is very important.
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is absolutely essential to facilitate the supply of essential vitamins and minerals.


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